La Beauty Clinic Dr. Unyoung YU, decided VIVACE after demonstrating all the RF needles
La Beauty Clinic Dr. Unyoung YU, decided VIVACE after demonstrating all the RF needles
  • Philip Choi
  • 승인 2021.06.15 19:39
  • 댓글 0
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Interviewer: Inhong Yoo(MedicalAesthetic)
Interviewee: Dr. Unyoung YU(La Beauty Clinic)

[Q] When did you adopt VIVACE?

[A] Last year

[Q] Why did you select VIVACE among needle RF devices?

[A] First, I decided it after demonstrating all the needle RF devices on the market. Above all, VIVACE has been approved by the FDA although it is a domestic device, and I know that it is rather well-known in the United States. In addition, I purchased this device after considering its stability, neat design, and versatility with the options of either 1㎒ or 2㎒, as well as relatively low cost of accessories compared to other devices.

[Q] Do you have patient targets for VIVACE?

[A] I think it can be used for any patient, including pore tightening, skin elasticity, lifting, acne, acne scar, whitening, wrinkle removal, and pigment pigmentation.

[Q] Please introduce VIVACE's treatment protocol.

[A] VIVACE treatment is less painless so you can control the depth or the intensity depending on patients after cream anesthesia. After treatment, CRYO soothing care is also given at the end.

[Q] What’s your own method to increase the effects of VIVACE?

[A] Speaking of treatment, I perform multiple passes by adjusting depth, and I think it’s better to give treatment several times after it fully regenerates, rather than giving strong treatment at once. To boost regeneration, I often give other treatments too, such as stem cell, PDRN, or hyaluronic acid after VIVACE treatment.

[Q] What are the possible side effects and how to deal with them?

[A] There may be general side effects of needle RF, such as burn or needle mark. But actually I’ve never seen them with VIVACE so I’m using it comfortably in terms of stability. But for sensitive skin, I recommend giving sufficient time to cool off, then there won’t be side effects.

[Q] Please tell me compatible treatment with VIVACE, if any.

[A] As I said before, I use skin booster a lot. I think concurrent treatment may vary depending on the patient's concerns. If pores are a concern, I use VIVACE to tighten pores after pore cleansing with Aqua Peel. For scar removal, I perform additional treatment such as subcision and regenerative injection. For acne treatment, adding peeling or plasma sterilization can make better effects.  

[Q] Are there any shortcomings or necessary improvements for VIVACE?

[A] Well, I can’t find anything bad but if I have to say, it is a bit slow. However, if you perform the treatment too quickly, it can’t be performed accurately on the skin. So I’d rather say it is not a disadvantage.

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