Cinderella/White Jade/Licorice injection… What is IVNT?
Cinderella/White Jade/Licorice injection… What is IVNT?
  • Philip Choi
  • 승인 2022.01.13 08:59
  • 댓글 0
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Focused on prevention and supplementation, Purpose for strengthen immunity and strong self-healing mechanisms
Dr. Munsang Ki, “The role of IVNT will be further expanded…But be cautious of a blind faith

Have you ever experienced “OO injections” in clinic when you have a cold? Those are IVNT, it was used for health promotion and boosting your energy and recently, as functional medicine, it is used in medical aesthetic industry for various purposes.

IVNT is a nutritional injection that quickly and accurately supplies nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are difficult to ingest with food or nutritional supplements, into cells through veins and blood vessels according to disease and nutritional status. (This image is not related to the content of the article.)
IVNT is a nutritional injection that quickly and accurately supplies nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are difficult to ingest with food or nutritional supplements, into cells through veins and blood vessels according to disease and nutritional status. (This image is not related to the content of the article.)

IVNT is a term used to refer to ‘Intravenous Nutritional Therapy’. It is a nutritional injection that quickly and accurately supplies nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants into cells through veins and blood vessels according to disease and nutritional status to supplement nutrients that are difficult to ingest with food, or various drug ingredients that have a low absorption rate in the body and decrease in efficacy in the metabolic process.

IVNT, which was mainly used for cancer, joints, and growth, is rich in antioxidant and anti-aging effects thus it adopted in medical aesthetic field and have been using for various ways. In Korea, there are calling marketing name such as Cinderella injection, White Jade injection, Licorice injection, Garlic injection, etc. for patient’s easy awareness.

Cinderella injection is an injection of a powerful antioxidant called α-lipoic acid. Alpha-lipoic acid is a fatty acid produced in a small amount in the human body and its, production decreases with age. Alpha lipoic acid has antioxidant effect that is 400 times more than vitamin C, it can help prevent aging through direct injection. Moreover, it is known to be effective in enhancing immunity and preventing cancer.

White Jade injection contains Glutathione as the main ingredient, and it has an excellent antioxidant effect. And Glutathione suppresses the production of melanin to naturally whiten the skin. In addition, it can prevent aging, discharge heavy metals from the body, detoxify the liver and enhance immunity. There are also cases of adjuvant effects in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease.

Licorice injection is a mixture of three ingredients of licorice extract, ‘Glycyrrhizin’, ‘Glycine’, ‘Cysteine’. Glycyrrhizin has effects for anti-inflammatory and liver function improvement. Glycine is effective in promoting energy metabolism and enhancing immunity, and cysteine has a strong antioxidant effect. It also has auxiliary effects such as detoxification and improvement of inflammatory disease. ‘Licorice’ is the most famous medicinal stuff in traditional Korean drug store, it uses various drugs. Like the injection name, Licorice injection is being used in various fields to extent.

Licorice injection contains licorice extract, but Garlic injection doesn’t contain any garlic extract. It is called a garlic injection because of the smell of the injection. Garlic injection contains fursultiamine as the main ingredients, it is a vitamin B1 derivative ingredients that has effects such as fatigue recovery and muscle strength enhancement. It is an important substance in converting nutrients into energy.

Dr. Mun Sang Ki, the owner of NB clinic, explained “When you are tired, a lot of lactic acid accumulates, and garlic injection is used to detoxify and expel that lactic acid. It is used to relieve fatigue quickly by releasing lactic acid and to strengthen muscle strength. Based on these reasons, it is popular with athletes. There is a synergistic effect when mainly garlic and licorice are treated as cocktail (mixed ingredients) injection therapy.

Dr. Ki of NB clinic, said, “I think the role of IVNT will expand not only in the medical aesthetic field, but also in intractable diseases.”
Dr. Ki of NB clinic, said, “I think the role of IVNT will expand not only in the medical aesthetic field, but also in intractable diseases.”

In addition, mega-vitamin C therapy, multi-mineral injection, arginine injection, etc. are in the spotlights.

Mega-vitamin C therapy is a method of administering 100 times more than the recommended daily amount of vitamin C for adults by injection or taking it as a supplement. Vitamin C has an antioxidant effect, is essential for collagen synthesis, and performs various functions, such as preventing skin damage. It is not produced on its own and can not be synthesized by the body at all or it not synthesized as needed, so it must be ingested through food or supplements.

Multi-mineral therapy is an injection that prevents aging and diseases by supplying minerals and trace elements that are essential for our body but are easily deficient due to difficult intake. Selemium(Se), which has an antioxidant effect 2,000 times stronger than vitamin E, Zinc(Zn), Which has hair-loss prevention and anti-inflammatory effects, Copper(Cu), which helps in the production of bones, hemoglobin, and red blood cells. Maganese(Mn), which plays a rold in skeletal formation, cell regeneration, and cholesterol level regulation and Chromium(Cr) to keep blood sugar stable. By mixing those minerals, it removes free radicals that are the cause of many diseases and aging.

Arginine injection has the effect of dissolving fat and reducing body fat. You can see the effect of increasing basal metabolic rate by increasing muscle mass while decreasing body fat.

IVNT focuses on prevention and supplementation, not complete recovery. Rather than treating the disease by directly attacking the fungus, it can be seen as enhancing immunity and self-healing power so that the disease can be recovered on its own.

Dr. Ki emphasized, “We are in the middle of disease and health. Among them, what we can do is ‘Prevention’. IVNT is an axis of prevention that keeps us from developing to disease. If the medicine in the past focused on disease treatment and rehabilitation treatment, I think that the medicine of the future will be prevention, healing, and well-being. In the future, I think the role of IVNT will expand not only in the medical aesthetic field, but also in intractable diseases. However, we can not ignore the concerns of doctors about blindly relying on IVNT.”

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Medical Aesthetic Curation
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  • 회사명 : ㈜미로아이앤씨(MIRO I&C)
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  • 등록일 : 2018-04-03
  • 발행일 : 2018-05-07
  • 발행인 : 최성필
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