Aesthetic Genital Plastic Surgery for your health and quality of life
Aesthetic Genital Plastic Surgery for your health and quality of life
  • Philip Choi
  • 승인 2022.02.03 16:11
  • 댓글 0
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The purpose is to find confidence by improving complexes
Necessary for functional and psychological reasons
To help maintain daily and sexual life

Generally, when we talk about ‘plastic surgery’ is for visible parts of our body such as face, breast, body type but there is ‘the other plastic surgery’ that is for invisible part. Let’s talk about the genital plastic surgery, the part is invisible but is for healthy and confident women’s life. 

When the vagina is loose, bacteria from around the anus can easily enter, and when the labia minora is stretched, it blocks the entrance to the vagina, which can easily cause vaginitis. (This image is not related to the contents of the article.)
When the vagina is loose, bacteria from around the anus can easily enter, and when the labia minora is stretched, it blocks the entrance to the vagina, which can easily cause vaginitis. (This image is not related to the contents of the article.)

Aesthetic genital plastic surgery is for improving problems in the genital area. Until recently. There was ad public prejudice against genital plastic surgery, but it is generally aimed at improving women’s complexes and finding psychological confidence. In this respects, genital plastic surgery can be found in part of aesthetic surgery. 

In What cases is aesthetic genital plastic surgery performed? Broadly, we can divide patients into 2 categories.

The first category is the patients who have functional discomfort. A woman’s vagina undergoes many changes throughout her life. As time goes by, aging progresses, the elasticity of the face naturally decreases and wrinkles appear and vagina does, too. And the elasticity of the vagina may decrease due to sexual intercourse or childbirth. Labia minora is the same. The labia minora undergoes aging, or when walking, sitting with crossed leges, wearing tighten clothes, etc., the labia minora is subject to friction or is pressed for a long time. As a result, the labia minora may be stretched or enlarged from its original shape. 

Those changes affect the daily life with inconvenience. When the vagina is loose, bacteria from around the anus can easily enter, and when the labia minora is stretched, it blocks the entrance to the vagina, which can easily cause vaginitis. When vaginitis occurs, the vaginal discharge has a strong odor and symptoms such as itching or burning, and pain or bleeding when having sex or urination. The drooping labia minora blocks the clitoris from being exposed, leading to a decrease in sexual sensation, or the inability to cleanly remove substances and secretions caught in the clitoris folds, causing odor, itching and inflammation. 

In addition, the strength that was supporting the bladder decreases, causing the bladder to sag, which can lead to urinary incontinence (a phenomenon in which urine flows out of the body regardless of the person’s willingness). If the labia minora is severely sagging, the skin may become degenerate and chronic itching due to repeated scouring while wearing pants or menstruating. Dr. Yoon Jung Lee, the owner of Ymiz Obstetrics and Gynecology clinic, said, “Functional discomfort is not a matter of life or death, so in the past, there was a tendency to endure it, but theses days, there are cases of visiting clinic without putting up with it.”

when a couple’s relationship gets into the state of ennui in married life, we might think the problem is not good in marital relationship. Some people are not satisfied with each other and avoid marital relationships because they are tired of a difficult relationship and become a sexless couple. (This image is not related to the contents of the article.)
When a couple’s relationship gets into the state of ennui in married life, we might think the problem is not good in marital relationship. Some people are not satisfied with each other and avoid marital relationships because they are tired of a difficult relationship and become a sexless couple. (This image is not related to the contents of the article.)

The second category is the patients who suffer psychologically due to sexual problems. In the case of some women, especially women in their 40s and 50s, they tend to care more about the satisfaction of others then their own satisfaction during sex because they are relatively less open and passive than men in terms of sexuality. Women who have sagging labia minora due to aging or who have experienced virginal relaxation due to childbirth may think that their femininity has decreased and fall into concerns about their relationships. 
Usually, when a couple’s relationship gets into the state of ennui in married life, we might think the problem is not good in marital relationship. When the elasticity and friction inside the vagina decrease due to childbirth, the sexual stimulation during intercourse is halved, so men take a long time to ejaculate, and women experience pain inside the vagina due to continuous insertion. Some people are not satisfied with each other and avoid marital relationships because they are tired of a difficult relationship and become a sexless couple. In the process the stress that builds up from not being able to resolve sexual desires can lead to depression, as well as a decrease in confidence and self-esteem frustration, and loneliness.  

Genital plastic surgery has a very positive meaning in that it helps women with these problems to maintain their daily life and sex life with a healthy body and mind.  Currently, the most common types of plastic surgery for women include vaginal reduction and tightening, labia minora reduction, clitoris tightening. 

The most performed surgeries are vaginal reduction surgery, vaginal tightening with VIVEVE or Monalisa Touch laser, and vaginal fillers to improve volume of inside vagina. In terms of effectiveness, the surgery is better, but the surgery should be considered more unless there is a problem with the function such as a lot of experience in childbirth or uterine prolapse. When women reach menopause, female hormones drop, and vaginal contractions occur. Unlike the fillers used on the face, vaginal fillers do not disappear easily, and they like to stick together, so permanent fillers such as Wonderfeel are used. 

In labia minora reduction surgery, the sagging part is physically cut and sewn, or the flesh is attached using the skin tissue paste used after caesarean surgery. In particular, since the folds on the clitoral foreskin are covered, there are many cases of correction at the same time. Just as men do ‘Circumcision’, women also perform clitoral surgery to remove the foreskin to cleanly remove substances and secretion from the clitoral folds.

Dr. Lee, the owner of Ymiz clinic, said, ““I recommend that you do not put up with it now, and if you have any concerns, take courage, and visit a gynecologist. It is good to invest in a visible part of your body, but I also suggest you pay attention to genitals for your health and quality of life.”
Dr. Lee, the owner of Ymiz clinic, said, “I recommend that you do not put up with it now, and if you have any concerns, take courage, and visit a gynecologist. It is good to invest in a visible part of your body, but I also suggest you pay attention to genitals for your health and quality of life.”

Aesthetic genital plastic surgery, there is no big risk, and the problem is improved, and the satisfaction of patients is high. In the past, those surgery was mainly performed by women who were interested in aesthetic surgery or who spare no investment in taking care of themselves, but now many women are interested in changing their body and need an active attitude to move if they have concerns. 

Dr. Lee said, “I recommend that you do not put up with it now, and if you have any concerns, take courage and visit a gynecologist.” She added, “It is good to invest in a visible part of your body, but I also suggest you pay attention to genitals for your health and quality of life.”

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  • 회사명 : ㈜미로아이앤씨(MIRO I&C)
  • 제호 : 메디컬에스테틱뉴스(MedicalAestheticNews)
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  • 등록일 : 2018-04-03
  • 발행일 : 2018-05-07
  • 발행인 : 최성필
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