Season of year-end party, how does alcohol affect my skin?
Season of year-end party, how does alcohol affect my skin?
  • Philip Choi
  • 승인 2022.11.29 10:35
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Excessive drinking has adverse effects on the skin, especially skin redness, acne and dry skin.
Sleeping without removing makeup after the party, inflammatory disease and acne are easily aggravated.

Drinking on end-year party is common. Alcohol has the advantage of creating a pleasant atmosphere but heavy drinking in succession can be a major factor that tires our body, especially our skin. Even if alcohol has an adverse effect on the skin, it is difficult to avoid all drinking parties, and if you know how to properly soothe tired skin from alcohol, you will be able to drink alcohol happily.

heavy drinking in succession can be a major factor that tires our body, especially our skin.(This image is not related to the content of the article.)
Alcohol has adverse effects on out skin worse than common understanding. Alcohol affects the weakening of skin immunity, skin aging, redness and inflammation, acne and dry skin.(This image is not related to the content of the article.)

Alcohol has adverse effects on out skin worse than common understanding. Alcohol affects the weakening of skin immunity, skin aging, redness and inflammation, acne and dry skin. 

Firstly, if you drink alcohol frequently and excessively, the activity of your body’s immune cells is suppressed. When immune cell inactivates, the body cannot defend against external harmful substances and various pathogens. It can lead to chronic inflammatory skin disease such as seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, and atopic dermatitis, or exacerbation of existing diseases. It also makes the skin vulnerable status to skin infection. 

Vitamins and antioxidants are used in the process of decomposing alcohol, and it is decreased vitamins and antioxidants for usual usage for body, thus it can lead to skin aging. Dr. Hye Young Joo, a founder of SinsaIN dermatology clinic, said, “According to the thesis, alcohol reduces skin elasticity and deepens under-eye fat or dark circles.” 

In addition, during the alcohol decomposing process in the liver, a toxin substance, acetaldehyde is produced as an intermediate product. Acetaldehyde, which is the main cause of hangovers, promotes the secretion of histamine, an inflammatory substance. Histamine dilates blood vessels and increase blood flow to the skin. In this process, facial flushing becomes severe and the skin inflammatory reaction increase. In severe cases, inflammatory disease such as rosacea or inflammatory acne may be exacerbated. 

Commonly know the food with a high glycemic index cause acne, and alcohol is the food. Excessive drinking of alcohol with a high glycemic index causes blood sugar to rise rapidly, and when blood sugar rises rapidly, the body stimulates the secretion of insulin to control blood sugar. This increases the secretion of IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor type 1). IGF-1 is known to increase the secretion of sebum by affecting the proliferation of sebaceous glands, and excessive sebum worsens acne.

It is well-known story that alcohol causes dehydration. Therefore, thirst comes in the morning after drinking alcohol, and the skin also become dry. Alcohol reduces the secretion of antidiuretic hormone, which increases the body's water content. Antidiuretic hormone is a hormone that suppresses diuresis (urination), which increases the amount of water in the body by reabsorbing urine that is about to be discharged out of the body. When this hormone is reduced, diuresis increases, dehydration symptoms, and skin dryness occur. 

Dr. Joo emphasized, “The frequency of inflammatory diseases and acne appears is high when people don’t remove their makeup after drinking. It is important to clean off makeup and apply moisturizer after drinking,”.
Dr. Joo emphasized, “The frequency of inflammatory diseases and acne appears is high when people don’t remove their makeup after drinking. It is important to clean off makeup and apply moisturizer after drinking,”.

For the skin that has lost elasticity due to frequent excessive drinking, it is recommended the treatment with elastic and lifting devices, LDM lifting, and injection. Temporary dark circles can be improved through ultrasound LDM treatment, but dark circles caused by aging should be corrected by elastic treatment such as Eye Thermage, Eye Shurink, In Mode, Thread Lifting, or repositioning of the fat under the eyes for correcting the protrusion.

For the acne treatment, it is recommended to get continuous light peeling such as aqua peeling. If you have facial flushing, it is recommended Vbeam laser which is destroyed blood vessels selectively.

When you have dry skin, it is recommended to get a treatment that penetrates the stem cell ampoule into skin and injection or skin booster treatment together. 

For improving overall skin immunity, it is important to correct your lifestyle along with the above treatments. It is good to choose and use cleansing products, basic cosmetics, and sunscreens suitable for your skin type, such as sensitivity or sebum secretion. Taking enough antioxidants such as vitamin C is helpful. 

In order to alleviate skin concerns caused by alcohol in the first place, it is good to pay careful attention from the drinking party. It is good to drink water from time to time, such as drinking a glass of water with a glass of alcohol, to supply moisture, and it is recommended to consume antioxidant-rich fruit snacks rather than greasy instant snacks.

Above all, there is a habit that must be followed a drinking party. Sometimes people sleep without removing their makeup after drinking, which is a very vulnerable behavior for the skin. 

Dr. Joo emphasized, “The frequency of inflammatory diseases and acne appears is high when people don’t remove their makeup after drinking. It is important to clean off makeup and apply moisturizer after drinking. If you follow these simple rules, you will be able to have a healthy and enjoyable drinking party.”

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