Combining Thread Lifting and Facial Liposuction for Facial Lifting & Thinner Face
Combining Thread Lifting and Facial Liposuction for Facial Lifting & Thinner Face
  • Philip Choi
  • 승인 2022.12.10 09:18
  • 댓글 0
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If you have more fat in your face, thread lifting might affect you less; combining it with facial liposuction is recommended.
Proceed after checking the fat amount, fat thickness, and anatomical things are Important.

Facial bones have a significant influence on determining the size of the face. However, a lot of fat and decreased elasticity sometimes make the face look bigger, even though not many fats are inside. It is challenging to restore facial fat and sagging skin once accumulated, but thread lifting, and facial liposuction can improve the effect.

Thread lifting is a treatment that uses medical thread which melts inside the skin to lift the skin cells. It catches the skin cells directly and lifts them, affecting sagging skin and facial line improvement and advancement of elasticity by promoting collagen synthesis.

Facial liposuction is a surgery which uses liposuction device to remove the unnecessary fats and the cannular is thinner than general liposuction. It operates chin and cheeks where the fact stores easily, and it reduce the number of fat cells to make thinner face line or smaller the size of the face. 

Combining thread lifting and facial liposuction treatment is more effective than a stand-alone treatment.

A thread lifting treatment on a fatty face might not only be as good as their expectation, but the effect disappears soon. It is better to reduce facial fats through facial liposuction. After facial liposuction, the skin is downward, and thread lifting treatment improves sagging skin and thinner face lines.

Dr. Doo Yeoul Chang, a Change Clinic founder, explained, “If the patient has many fats in her face, I recommend facial liposuction. If the patient has sagging skin only, I recommend thread lifting. Combining thread lifting and facial liposuction is necessary if the patient has many fats and sagging skin.

If the patient is not comfortable with thread lifting treatment, alternative devices such as Ulthera, Thermage, and others exist. However, thread lifting is a physical treatment to lift skin cells directly that has more effects than devices.

Dr. Doo Yeoul Chang, a Change Clinic founder, emphasized, “It is essential to proceed with a combination of thread lifting and facial liposuction after carefully analyzing individual anatomical factors such as the facial bone structure and the amount and thickness of fat.”
Dr. Chang emphasized, “It is essential to proceed with a combination of thread lifting and facial liposuction after carefully analyzing individual anatomical factors such as the facial bone structure and the amount and thickness of fat.”

It is essential to proceed with a combination of thread lifting and facial liposuction after carefully analyzing individual anatomical factors such as the facial bone structure and the amount and thickness of fat. In particular, when performing thread lifting, you must select the most suitable thread after identifying the type of thread and the performance of each product. In face liposuction, there are concerns about side effects that the surgical area may become uneven or fade a lot, so doctors with rich experience and knowledge in liposuction must undergo surgery.

Dr. Chang said, “Many patients are curious about how many threads are used. However, what kind of thread is used and how it is fixed are also important factors. There is a big difference in the results depending on the procedure's performance rather than how many threads are used.” And added, “It is not difficult to get rid of areas such as the chin through facial liposuction, but the deep cheeks must be approached carefully. If you mistakenly remove a lot of deep cheek fat, the skin will fade over time, giving the impression that your cheekbones stand out. Therefore, it is better to undergo surgery at a hospital that specializes in liposuction.”

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