[New Technology Series] Plasma_PlaDuo Purchaser, Beensent Clinic Dr. Hwajun LEE

Interviewer: Inhong Yoo(MedicalAesthetic) Interviewee: Dr. Hwajun LEE(Beensent Clinic)

2021-06-22     Philip Choi

[Q] Why did you purchase PlaDuo?

[A] I’ve once gave a lecture on plasma at the conference. There was plasma for eyelid treatment which seemed okay for white people in Europe. But in Korea, it didn't work out after PIH occurred a lot. Anyway, I already knew that there are various functions while studying plasma. As far as I knew, plasma could be applied to skin elasticity, wound healing, and sterilization, and acne treatment. Meanwhile, I had an opportunity to study plasma at the end of last year when we visited SHEnB from the Korean Academy of Aesthetic Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery (KACS) where I work. Besides what I know about it, there are other features that I became very interested in. SHEnB asked me to try it and after demonstration I thought it can be applied for my patients on acne, pigmentation, hot flush, and tinea pedis. Although the feedback on tinea pedis is still lacking because it doesn't get better at once, the patient response to acne and pigmentation is good. In particular, I received good feedback on pigmentation like melasma that is rarely improved. I performed treatment in conjunction with PlaDuo, and it was quite good. It's been about a month since I bought PlaDuo.

[Q] What is the treatment used for melasma?

[A] Toning and Genesis. Plus, PlaDuo. I am also using Cyspera ointment.

[Q] PlaDuo uses two types of plasma, and what disease do you use each for?

[A] It releases nitrogen plasma and argon plasma. Argon plasma is better for acne and especially since it produces less heat, it has less pain. Nitrogen plasma can be used for not only acne but also hot flush, pigmentation, and tinea pedis. For acne, I use both of them, but for pigmentation or hot flush, I normally use nitrogen.

[Q] What does it mean to have two types of plasma?

[A] Normally, other devices use nitrogen plasma, only because nitrogen forms most of the earth's atmosphere. But PlaDuo uses argon too, so it seems more professional.  

[Q] Please explain your acne treatrment with PlaDuo.

[A] You can add PlaDuo to existing acne treatment programs, but you can use it as a main device. I made a program by adding PlaDuo, and the result of follow-up is quite good with more ticketing. It can be mainly used, and you can, of course, use in many programs. In my clinic, I also use ReNOVA HIFU with no pain. PlaDuo's argon plasma also has no pain at all. When I squeeze the acne of student patients, they feel pain. It’s really painful to treat acne when it is not pressed out well. So it is meaningful to release plasma at this moment. This is how our clinic provides good treatment without pain.

[Q] How is the treatment method compared to laser?

[A] The procedure is so simple and easy. There aren't many parameters to adjust. You can just adjust energy, plasma tip, and distance, but it’s not that difficult because there are guide tips. Hz is easily comprised of 1, 2, 3Hz.

[Q] How long is the treatment time?

[A] I usually give 500 to 1,000 shots. If you set it at 3Hz, the treatment time is not long.

[Q] What are the risks of PIH?

[A] If PlaDuo performs at weak level, it hardly happens. PlaDuo releases plasma into the skin, so PIH is unlikely to happen. Although I lack experience, I haven’t seen PIH so far and it will hardly occur. It doesn’t emit strong energy that induces inflammation.

[Q] Are there any other side effects?

[A] One of the reasons I bought PlaDuo is that it has no side effects. No matter how good the effect is, it’s hard if one in 10 people have side effects. Since PlaDuo has no downtime, there’s not much to worry about and consider. Besides, plasma has anti-bacterial effect, wound healing and skin regeneration. It is a versatile device for many applications without side effects and pain.

[Q] It's such a good device, but why do you think it's not so popular yet?

[A] One of the considerations when buying is tip, gas, and handpiece accessories. And the device itself is not that cheap. No matter how good it is, you need to take account of cost and effect.

[Q] Plasma is a new concept of energy source, then how much do we need to understand it for clinical test?

[A] Indeed, you need to study. However, the complicated principle doesn't necessarily cause side effects. It is a new energy source other than laser, radio frequency, and ultrasonic sound. The device has been used for a long time, and it will be less risky if it is well made. Looking at the plasma, it seems to be effective without using strong energy. As it is sterilized without direct contact, there is less risk of infection.

[Q] What would you forecast plasma energy?

[A] I lack experience in predicting the medical market, but if you try it once, you won’t say it is. I had fun while studying and I am receiving good feedback from my patients. And since the market itself is not big, the plasma market is expected to grow.