'Lip filler' injection tips for volumizing and beautiful lips
'Lip filler' injection tips for volumizing and beautiful lips
  • Philip Choi
  • 승인 2023.04.29 14:03
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Recently an increasing interest in lip filler among young people
Should apply the appropriate doses of filler, caution of over injection

Recently, young people have been increasingly interested in lip filler due to volumizing and clear-shaped lips with overlining lips makeup in the social network of celebrities or influencers. 3 or 4 years ago, not many patients wanted to get lip fillers because lip fillers looked like plastic surgery results, but now it is a trend, and many patients ask about it. 

Young people are interested in lip fillers because volumizing clear-shaped lips and overlining lips makeup is popular. (This image is not related to the content of the article.)
Young people are interested in lip fillers because volumizing clear-shaped lips and overlining lips makeup is popular. (This image is not related to the content of the article.)

Thin lips provide a frosty and narrow-minded impression. The lip fillers make the effectiveness of smooth and young impression with volumized lips. 

Lip fillers are mostly popular among young people, but some mid-aged people want to get them. As getting old, lips age. Decreasing collagen and changing muscles and skin tissues make lips thin, uncleared-shape, and wrinkle. The wrinkled, thin lips give a more aged look. Moreover, the wrinkles stand out when applying the matt lipstick. The lip fillers make it improved.

Dr. Moon Soo Park, Moon Clinic founder, said, "The interest in lip fillers follows the lip makeup trend. 1 to 2 years ago, when matt lipstick was popular, lip fillers were the same. The wrinkles stand out when applying the matt lipstick, but applying lip fillers improves wrinkles and patient satisfaction."

If there is a need to correct lip lines, lip fillers are also helpful. It is impossible to change the shape differently like lip surgery, but it improves the balance for a little asymmetrical. 

Usually, the ideal size of the lips, the golden ratio of the lips, is that the upper lip and lower lip have a ratio of about 1:1.5. However, it is not possible to adjust the ratio of all lips to 1:1.5. Because the same ratio lips cause destroying the original image or making awkward mood. An example is when the upper lip is very thick, but the filler is injected into the lower lip to match the golden ratio, and the lips are excessively large. 

There are some cases in which people want excessively large lips that show signs of getting fillers, but these days, many want a naturally thicker lip shape. According to Dr. Park, many patients want a natural level as if it were originally theirs and a level that only changes slightly enough that only they can notice. 

To improve the effect of lip filler, lip corner botulinum toxin, nasolabial folder filler, and marionette filler are also used in parallel. The slightly raised lip corners are a trend, and it is common to receive lip corner botulinum toxin together. Lip corner botulinum toxin paralyzes the mouth corner depressor muscle and raises the mouth corner. 

Nasolabial wrinkle filler and marionette filler help balance the lower face. 

Dr. Park explained, "After the lip fillers, it may look slightly protruding forward but filling in the wrinkles on the nasolabial folds or marionette with filler compensates for the protruding appearance of only the lips. Or if the chin is too tucked in, I treat the procedure makes the chin protrude and revive the chin line." 

Dr. Park advised that you should get the lip fillers after fully explaining what kind of shape you want.
Dr. Park advised that you should get the lip fillers after fully explaining what kind of shape you want.

Lips are a sensitive area composed of a thin mucous membrane, and excessive treatment causes side effects, so care is needed. 

Dr. Park advised, "Injecting too much filler to add volume to the lips, the space inside lips will be insufficient, and the filler may protrude convexly or cause pain. You should clearly explain the shape you want to the doctor and then apply the appropriate amount. It is important to know at least what type and which filler you applied."

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