The Secret of Cellulite ③ Let's eliminate cellulite bondage by correcting our lifestyle!
The Secret of Cellulite ③ Let's eliminate cellulite bondage by correcting our lifestyle!
  • Philip Choi
  • 승인 2023.10.10 08:59
  • 댓글 0
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It is getting worse of cellulite because of wrong posture, eating habits, contraceptives, etc.
To reduce cellulite, you must correct your lifestyle along with a diet

Many people with cellulite seek help from a clinic to eliminate entrenched cellulite. However, no matter how much cellulite treatment people get, people can not eradicate cellulite without correcting their lifestyle. Because the main cause of cellulite is lifestyle, and if he repeats the same lifestyle as before, there is a risk of cellulite reappearing. Cellulite is well-known to be difficult to get rid of once it occurs, and you should avoid lifestyle habits that cause it. Let's eliminate cellulite bondage by correcting our lifestyle.

First, you have to say goodbye to the main culprits of cellulite. 

In the previous article, 'Overuse of Muscles' was cited as one of the representative causes of cellulite by degenerating the matrix. Swelling caused by excessive use of muscle tissue progresses chronically, resulting in degeneration of matrix and cellulite. Habits of not moving well or using a lot of one muscle to maintain the same posture increase the risk of chronicity. In our daily lives, such as using a computer for a long time at work or staring at a smartphone for a long time continues to create cellulite. The same goes for wearing high heels, which cause cellulite because you overuse your muscle to maintain your center of gravity. 

An imbalance in body shape can cause muscle overuse, leading to cellulite. For example, if the knee joint is bent backward, there is a high possibility that cellulite will appear because the muscles on the back of the calf and the muscles on the front of the thigh are strained even when standing still. Thigh cellulite can also occur when certain muscles in the thigh are underused or overused due to a distorted body shape. 

The legs are an area that can easily develop cellulite due to the wrong gait. In the case of the calves, cellulite often occurs along with swelling caused by walking improperly for a long time. 

The same goes for blood and lymph circulation stagnation due to incorrect posture. In particular, crossing the leg is the most fatal because it hinders blood circulation around the legs and blocks lymph circulation, making it difficult to discharge toxins from the body. The habit of wearing clothes that pressure the body, such as corsets, corrective underwear, and skinny jeans, also hinders blood and lymph circulation, creating cellulite. 

A high-carbohydrate diet is also the number one factor that causes cellulite. 

Dr. Sehyun Kim, a founder of Lynn Clinic, explained, "Excessive carbohydrate intake increases the glycemic index of our body, and insulin is secreted to lower the blood sugar level. Insulin is a lipoedema hormone, and cellulite is created as the cytoplasmic membrane changes in the process of insulin secretion. Carbohydrates eaten in the evening can lead to cellulite."

Cellulite may be aggravated in women taking birth control pills. 

'Estrogen,' the main component of birth control pills, is one of the main causes of contaminating the matrix, causing degeneration of collagen and increasing biosynthesis in fat cells to create lipoedema-type cellulite. The same is true for problems caused by estrogen deficiency after menopause when hormone replacement therapy(a method of preventing and treating menopausal disease by supplementing hormones) is performed. 

Sometimes, cosmetics containing estrogen are used, which can aggravate cellulite. Dr. Kim said, "Applying estrogen-based cosmetics to the skin causes the same effect as taking estrogen. If you use wrinkle care products or whitening products containing estrogen, cellulite can worsen without you knowing."

Dr. Kim advised, "If you eat less or starve yourself to get rid of cellulite, various tissues are damaged, and if this phenomenon is repeated, cellulite gradually increases. It is good to support nutrition properly by eating protein foods and vegetables while controlling carbohydrates."
Dr. Kim advised, "If you eat less or starve yourself to get rid of cellulite, various tissues are damaged, and if this phenomenon is repeated, cellulite gradually increases. It is good to support nutrition properly by eating protein foods and vegetables while controlling carbohydrates."

If cellulite has already progressed chronically, lifestyle correction and dietary therapy should be done together. 

If you have been in one position for a long time, try to release it by moving your body to the opposite position. It is good to stretch from time to time or to move your body on purpose. Cellulite is directly affected by how you walk, so you have to walk in the right way, and since it can easily occur when blood vessels or lymphatics are blocked, it is good to stimulate blood circulation by giving the skin an appropriate stimulus. If your body shape changes once, it is easy to develop cellulite continuously, so getting body shape correction is a good way. 

Some diets restrict carbohydrates extremely to get rid of cellulite, but this has a negative effect, so you should refrain from doing so. It is also helpful to keep a food diary to understand your eating habits and decide what diet to follow. 

Dr. Kim advised, "If you eat less or starve yourself to get rid of cellulite, various tissues are damaged, and if this phenomenon is repeated, cellulite gradually increases. The more you starve, the more you starve, the more you starve, the fewer nutrients are replenished, and the more tissue regeneration is not done. It is good to support nutrition properly by eating protein foods and vegetables while controlling the amount of carbohydrates." 

Habits that exacerbate/increase cellulite. 

  • Using the computer for a long time at work. 
  • Dyeing, bleaching, or perming at least once every six months.
  • Wearing clothes made of synthetic fibers frequently. 
  • Being on hormone therapy or using birth control pills. 
  • Using plastic utensils. 
  • Drinking soft drinks such as juice or cola instead of water. 
  • Eating processed or fast food frequently. 
  • Eating fish more than three times a week or not at all. 
  • Wearing of corsets or shapewear frequently.

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  • 등록일 : 2018-04-03
  • 발행일 : 2018-05-07
  • 발행인 : 최성필
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