The Secret of Cellulite ② Cellulite which signals abnormalities to the body, needs to be treated by type
The Secret of Cellulite ② Cellulite which signals abnormalities to the body, needs to be treated by type
  • Philip Choi
  • 승인 2023.06.04 16:31
  • 댓글 0
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Cellulite treatment goes beyond the beauty, it’s about health.
Chronic fatigue and abnormal intestinal flora, etc. cause cellulite syndrome and it causes another cellulite.
The methods of treatment and exercise by cellulite type

As we explained in the previous article, cellulite is treated as ‘fat’ which is caused by gaining weight and tends not to be recognized as a big problem. However, cellulite is a disease that requires treatment as ‘sick part’ that causes functional problems in the body. Cellulite treatment goes beyond simply solving aesthetic problems, it’s for the health of the body.

The most important thing with cellulite is the degeneration of the ‘matrix’. When the matrix, a liquid substance surrounding fat cells in the subcutaneous layer, becomes chronically inflammatory due to obesity or overuse of muscles, the characteristics of the flesh change. When the characteristics of the flesh changes, edema may occur, the state changes from a liquid to a thicker gel, and due to the fibrosis phenomenon, the surrounding fat, wastes and fibers become entangled and hardened. It leads to destroy of the entire subcutaneous layer.

The skin that looks like the bumpy orange peel of cellulite is the result of the damaged matrix and subcutaneous layer. People think that appearance is the biggest problem because it looks not good, but the more serious problem is not about cosmetic treatment. Cellulite is not considered a health problem because it doesn’t look serious, but it is a problem that should be treated for health reasons, not for cosmetic purposes.

Although it is difficult to say that cellulite is the only cause of various problems in the body, cellulite is accompanied by various symptoms. The typical examples are digestive disorders and endocrine metabolic abnormalities caused by chronic fatigue, myofascial pain syndrome, carbohydrate poisoning, and intestinal flora. Dr. Sehyun Kim, a founder of Lynn Clinic, defines it as ‘cellulite syndrome’. If someone has severe cellulite, the person may have all these symptoms. It may seem a strange combination, but their relationship is intricately intertwined. 

The most common cause of cellulite, when muscle overuse is prolonged, symptoms of myofascial pain syndrome occur, which can lead to chronic fatigue. When chronic fatigue occurs, the survival defense mechanism against stress is activated. As a side effect of this, it simulated appetite, which can lead to carbohydrate poisoning, which can lead to ‘obesity’. Carbohydrate poisoning can cause ‘leaky gut syndrome’ by causing abnormalities in the ‘intestinal flora’, the normal bacteria that prevent harmful bacteria from invading the intestine, represented by lactic acid bacteria.

In addition, cellulite itself is inflamed, and after cellulite occurs, pro-inflammatory substances circulate in the body, which disrupts hormones and lowers metabolism. Lowering metabolism means lowering the function of thyroid hormone (a hormone involved in energy metabolism). If thyroid hormone is too low or the function is abnormally decreased, it makes person gaining weight easily even eating a small amount. 

Except above symptoms, cellulite can cause swelling, decreased circulation, numbness and pain due to inflammation of the myofascial muscles. It also affects the overall body shape, causing pain areas unrelated to cellulite or distorting the body shape. 

As explained in the previous article, obesity and leaky gut syndrome are the main factors in causing matrix contamination that causes cellulite. Hormonal disturbances can also lead to cellulite. In the end, the symptoms corresponding to cellulite syndrome are the factors that create new cellulite.

Cellulite is accompanied by various symptoms. The typical examples are digestive disorders and endocrine metabolic abnormalities caused by chronic fatigue, myofascial pain syndrome, carbohydrate poisoning, and intestinal flora. Dr. Sehyun Kim, a founder of Lynn Clinic, defines it as ‘cellulite syndrome’.
Cellulite is accompanied by various symptoms. The typical examples are digestive disorders and endocrine metabolic abnormalities caused by chronic fatigue, myofascial pain syndrome, carbohydrate poisoning, and intestinal flora. Dr. Kim defines it as ‘cellulite syndrome’.

Is there any way to get out of the ‘cellulite vicious cycle’ that cellulites create another cellulite? 

In case of young people, tissue regeneration occurs actively, if young person takes a good rest (unless the cellulite is not severe), it can get better naturally. However, young people in modern society do not have time to regenerate by overusing their muscle due to work or smartphone use. Overuse of muscles often results in tissue degeneration, and it is required doctor’s treatment.

Cellulite is treated differently depending on the type. Lipedema-type cellulite, which is clearly related with obesity, does not fall out easily if there is inflammation and swelling in the surrounding tissues. Firstly, the radial shock wave temporarily relieves inflammation and swelling to promote lymph and blood circulation, and then the fat is broken down with the unipolar high-frequency device. 

It is important to find the cause of fibroedema-type cellulite, which is caused by an increase in toxin substances in the body or chronic inflammation of the musculoskeletal system. If the cause is a toxin substance in the body, detox treatment can be tried, and if he muscle layer, ligaments, and tendons do not function properly, surgery or regenerative treatment can be performed to revive them. 

Above all, fibroedema-type cellulite is an inflammation caused by matrix contamination. It should be treated through ‘obesity treatment’ rather than diet. Dr. Kim explained, “The order of treatment for obesity is to first remove the inflammation of the fascia that causes edema with focused shock waves, and then promote the decomposition of fat cells and cellulite with a metabolic stimulator and maximize lymph and metabolic functions. When there is leaky gut syndrome or hormonal imbalance, insufficient nutrition can be supplemented to enhance the effect of the procedure.”

For the fibroedema-type cellulite, it is not good to exercise excessively, it is good to do yoga or Pilates to correct body imbalance. (This image is not related to the content of the article)
For the fibroedema-type cellulite, it is not good to exercise excessively, it is good to do yoga or Pilates to correct body imbalance. (This image is not related to the content of the article)

It is also helpful to exercise with an appropriate program for each type of cellulite. 

For the lipedema-type cellulite, it is helpful to massage gently the cellulite area before and after exercise to soften the tissue. For the fibroedema-type cellulite, it is not good to exercise excessively, it is good to do yoga or Pilates to correct body imbalance. 

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