A tummy tuck, which makes your six-pack dream. It requires being willing to self-management
A tummy tuck, which makes your six-pack dream. It requires being willing to self-management
  • Philip Choi
  • 승인 2023.06.21 09:45
  • 댓글 0
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Keep the surgery effect without a workout; it is the differentiation from exercise
Have an excellent balanced upper body combined with pectoral augmentation surgery and fat transplant

Everybody desires a robust and sexy body. When you imagine a fantastic or robust and sexy body, people usually think about a six-pack in the abdomen, but it is not easy to make. A six-pack needs more effort and time than other parts of the body. There are many cases of giving up making a six-pack in the beginning stage because it is the muscle to make it hard. 

Bodybuilders or health trainers with a clear six-pack, their six-packs didn't make it in a short time. It is possible to make a six-pack with hard exercise and a limited protein-based diet with chicken breast and non-alcohol, non-smoking for a long time. 

The people who have difficulties with both exercise and diet, a tummy tuck can be an alternative. The tummy tuck is well-known; the name Hi Def stands for High Definition, which means sharpening the shape and outline of muscles. 

A six-pack needs more effort and time than other parts of the body. It is possible to make a six-pack with hard exercise and a limited protein-based diet with chicken breast and non-alcohol, non-smoking for a long time. (This image is not related to the content of the article.)
A six-pack needs more effort and time than other parts of the body. It is possible to make a six-pack with hard exercise and a limited protein-based diet with chicken breast and non-alcohol, non-smoking for a long time. (This image is not related to the content of the article.)

Abdominoplasty is sculpting the fat layer above the muscle to reveal the outline of the abdominal muscle, not surgery to thicken the muscle itself. The fat layer about the muscles can be divided into superficial fat and deep fat. This surgery removes the deep fat and leaves some superficial fat, 'giving the effect of the remaining superficial fat as if the muscles have grown.' It selectively sculpts the superficial and deep layers of fat to make the muscle line stand out. 

Solta Medical's ultrasonic liposuction device 'Vaser,' famous for 'Thermage,' 'Liposonic' and'Fraxel,' is used for abdominoplasty. Ultrasonic waves are generated at the tip of the cannula of Vaser, which breaks down and dissolves the fat layer and cellulite, a hard, fibrous tissue surrounding the fat layer. Dr. Hong-gyu Cho, the NB plastic surgery clinic founder, explained, "There are a lot of reoperations these days, and in severe cases, the tissues are so tightly packed that the cannula can't go in. To smoothly enter these tissues, you need to use energy to penetrate them; ultrasound is the most suitable. Vaser can be shaped as intention, which is essential for creating muscle contours."

After melting the tissue with the Vaser, suction is performed with a rotary power liposuction device. When the skin is inelastic or sagging, high-frequency equipment is used together to tighten the skin.

To clearly show the outline of the abdominal muscles, the subcutaneous fat layer should be low, and the muscle mass should be large. Exercising reduces the subcutaneous fat layer and increases muscle mass, so if you manage it with exercise after abdominoplasty, it helps to create more distinct abdominal muscles. There is no difficulty in maintaining the abs even if you gain a little weight without exercising heavily after abdominoplasty. As you gain weight, the remaining superficial fat thickens, so unless you become severely obese, your abdominal muscles are maintained.

There is a limit to creating a well-balanced body with only abdominoplasty, and depending on the gender, various surgeries and procedures may be required at the same time. Dr. Cho added, "Men often need a pectoral augmentation surgery to enhance the contours of the chest, and women need micro autologous fat grafting or hip-up tightening to enhance the line from the waist to the hip."

When you exercise normally, your abs, as well as your chest muscles and other small muscles, develop together. In the case of men, along with the contours of the abdominal muscles, the lower and outer contours of the pectoral muscles (outer and lower contours) should be highlighted, and the oblique muscles and inguinal line should be exposed together to give a natural and non-artificial look.

Women prefer an 11-shaped ab, a narrow waist, and a curvy body with a line that goes from the waist to the hip. After contouring the abs, use the collected fat to add volume to the side and upper part of the buttocks; the line from to the buttocks can be seen as an S-line. If necessary, fat can be used to increase breast volume.

Dr. Cho said, "There is a limit to creating a well-balanced body with only abdominoplasty, and depending on the gender, various surgeries and procedures may be required at the same time."
Dr. Cho said, "There is a limit to creating a well-balanced body with only abdominoplasty, and depending on the gender, various surgeries and procedures may be required at the same time."

Depending on the body type, there are also suitable surgeries and procedures. Dr. Cho advised, "Human body types are divided into mesomorph, ectomorph, and endomorph. The mesomorph has wide shoulders, a thin waist, and a muscular body with a developed chest shaped like an inverted trapezoid. On the other hand, the ectomorph has narrow shoulders and a flat chest, so it is natural to use a method such as transplanting fat into the chest muscle."

Abdominoplasty can be a good alternative for a great body. However, you should not forget to ask yourself first if you have the will to maintain your body shape after plastic surgery, rather than blindly considering abs plastic surgery for the desire to have a six-pack.

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