Snub nose/ Bent nose/ Arrow-shaped nose_nose surgery must be considered a functional issue
Snub nose/ Bent nose/ Arrow-shaped nose_nose surgery must be considered a functional issue
  • Philip Choi
  • 승인 2023.07.27 14:02
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Need to be considered a functional issue and external shape
It can be returned to its original shape after the surgery; important to fix it properly

The nose is located at the center of the face and is an important factor in determining a person's first impression or image. Changes in the size, length, width, and shape of the nose and the shape or height of the bridge can greatly change the impression, so if you have a snub nose, arrow-shaped nose, or bent nose, you may have a complex.

A snub nose is called an 'uplifted nose,' it refers to a case where the tip of the nose is lifted, and the nostrils are excessively exposed when viewed from the front. The shape commonly referred to as 'Pig nose' is the upturned nose, which can give an unrefined, flat, and rustic impression.

The cause of such a snub nose is that the nasal bone, nasal septum (partition wall that divides the inside of the nose into left and right parts), and wing cartilage (cartilage that forms the shape of the nose tip and nose) are underdeveloped and small and insufficient. Surgery to lengthen it need to be performed.

Contrary to the characteristics of a lifted nose, it is a nose with too low a tip, and the nostrils are not visible. Especially if the angle between the nose pillar and the lips is small and the tip looks down when smiling, it may be an arrow-shaped nose. 

The arrow-shaped nose results from the nasal bone, septal cartilage, and wing cartilage being very developed and growing long. The nose's tip is drooping, making it look relatively old. An Arrow-shaped nose is often accompanied by a hooked nose with a protruding nose bridge, and if the arrow-shaped nose even has a hooked nose symptom, it can give a sharp, ferocious, and burdensomely strong impression. To correct an arrow-shaped nose, surgery is required to fix the cartilage that has drooped downward.

A snub nose and an arrow-shaped nose are mostly related to an aesthetic issue, but a bent nose can cause functional issues such as a deviated septum, etc. 

Deviation of the septum is a condition in which the nasal septum is bent, and the outside of the nose causes functional disorders related to the nose. Major symptoms are nasal congestion, postnasal drip(runny nose goes behind the nose), sleep disorders, sleep apnea, and smell disorders. In addition, rhinitis and sinusitis may accompany it.

A bent nose can be divided into a 'C-Shape' in which the middle of the nose is bent, an 'S-Shape' in which the starting point of the nasal bone and the cartilage at the tip of the nose are individually bent, and an 'Oblique Shape' in which the axis of the tip of the nose is tilted in one direction as a whole. It can occur in congenital cases such as heredity and acquired cases due to trauma, facial asymmetry, and nasal soft tissue asymmetry. It can be looked at as a strong and rugged impression. 

Even if it is a snub nose or an arrow-shaped nose, functional issues such as rhinitis can occur because the invisible inside of the nose can be bent. Therefore, when nose surgery should consider the functional problem, it can reduce the recurrence of the problem disease. 

Dr. Dong Geol Kim, a founder of POP Plastic Surgery Clinic, emphasized that selecting a medical team with long careers and experience in various cases is important for satisfactory results.
Dr. Dong Geol Kim, a founder of POP Plastic Surgery Clinic, emphasized that selecting a medical team with long careers and experience in various cases is important for satisfactory results.

Since the amount of skin covering the nose is small in a snub nose, if the nose is set too high, there is no room for the skin to cover the nose, and the surgery may be performed unreasonably. Even if the surgery is successful, the cartilage column may collapse or be pulled up, worsening the symptoms of a snub nose.

A septal extension graft is the most effective rhinoplasty method to improve a snub nose. A septal extension graft extends the length of the nose by connecting cartilage harvested from the septum to an existing septum column. The cartilage must be well supported so that the cartilage does not rise again and the snub nose can go down stably.

The 'Septal spreader graft' fixes the drooping alar cartilage by rotating it upward for an arrow-shaped nose. Then erecting support with autologous cartilage resects the elongated nasal septum to an appropriate length and fixes the nose's tip with autologous cartilage to prevent elongation or drooping of the nose tip with a ' Septum extension graft.'

Different surgical methods depend on the type of bent nose. If the bridge of the nose is bent, the bent part can be shaved or cut, and the hollow part can be filled with autologous cartilage or implants. If the nasal septum is bent, it is possible to separate the tilted nasal bone into two left and right pieces through a nasal bone osteotomy, gather them in the middle, and position them symmetrical. In addition, it is possible to improve by moving the nasal septum cartilage bent inward and the nasal septum cartilage bent in a septal extension graft outward.

Even after surgery, the nose tends to go back to its original state, so it is important to set up a support pole and fix it firmly during the surgery. 

Dr. Dong Geol Kim, a founder of POP Plastic Surgery Clinic, emphasized that, in particular, in the case of a snub nose wants to go back to its original state. A snub nose with almost no extra skin has gained strength due to tightening skin after surgery, trying to push out her cartilage. So the snub nose has to build a strong pole inside. An arrow-shaped nose with much extra skin can fall off again. Even if the nose is shortened by relocating the skeleton upward, the skin may gradually sag, so the nose pillar must be securely fixed to the nasal septum. Selecting a medical team with long careers and experience in various cases is important for satisfactory results.

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