Guess your age from wrinkles on your hand and neck. How to manage wrinkles on your hand and neck
Guess your age from wrinkles on your hand and neck. How to manage wrinkles on your hand and neck
  • Philip Choi
  • 승인 2023.08.14 16:21
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One of the causes of looking aging is wrinkles on the hands and neck
Various causes, such as genetics, aging, UV rays, and lifestyle, combine
It can be prevented to some extent with a moisturizer and sunscreen

There are various facial treatments and makeup to look younger than your age. Unlike the face treatment that people actively care for, most people neglect to care for their hands and neck, which can guess their age. 

Dr. Jongho Joo, a founder of CLUBMIZ LAMICHE Clinic, said, "Compare a pretty face but old hands and neck and a pretty hand and neck but an old face, the former looks better. The hands and neck greatly affect looking older than the face, and it is difficult to hide the skin's age."

If you want to guess someone's age, it is a good way to check the wrinkles on their hands and neck. How can we improve wrinkles on the hands and neck, called 'growth rings of the skin'?

Although there are genetic factors for wrinkles on the hands and neck, the biggest cause is decreased fat, collagen, and loss of elasticity with age. Some keratin is naturally lost due to aging. Still, the keratin is not regularly shed due to ultraviolet rays, and then it can occur more easily due to excessive keratinization, in which the stratum corneum thickens. 

Hands are exposed to water and various detergents while doing household chores such as washing dishes and hand washing so that aging can be advanced. The neck may droop down and deepen wrinkles due to the wrong lifestyle and posture, such as using a smartphone or keeping your head down for a long time while reading. 

Dr. Jongho Joo, a founder of CLUBMIZ LAMICHE Clinic, advised, "For your hands, applying a lot of moisturizers and wearing plastic gloves before bed would be helpful. Like storing watermelon in plastic wrap can keep the moisture, applying many moisturizers and wearing plastic gloves before bed helps the skin hydrated, just as the moisture does not escape."
Dr. Joo advised, "For your hands, applying a lot of moisturizers and wearing plastic gloves before bed would be helpful. Like storing watermelon in plastic wrap can keep the moisture, applying many moisturizers and wearing plastic gloves before bed helps the skin hydrated, just as the moisture does not escape."

There are some differences between patients who visit the clinic with wrinkles on their hands and neck. According to Dr. Joo, there are many middle-aged patients in their 40s and 50s for wrinkles on their hands, but many young patients in their 30s for their wrinkles on their necks. Because vertical neck wrinkles are caused by aging, but horizontal wrinkles are often folded and settled by posture. 

The combination of filler and laser treatment manages wrinkles on the hands and neck depending on the condition and progress of each patient. Dr. Joo explained, "If you have some volume on your hands and neck and are not keratinized, lifting devices such as Thermage or Ulthera can help, but you must be careful because those devices can break your fat cells. If your hands have a lot of keratinization, commonly called having done a lot of work, it can be treated by a fractional laser and an erbium yag laser such as DRT(Dermiss Resurfacing Therapy). If your hands lost a lot of fat and the skin is visible inside, it is good to give volume through fillers."

Since wrinkles on the hands and neck are difficult to reverse once they have progressed to a certain extent and become deep, it is important to take care of them in advance. It's not easy to change the underlying skin structure, such as preventing wrinkles from forming, but you can make it look better. 

Nothing is special, but it can be improved enough by doing the same for the face, hands, and neck. When washing your face, clean your hands and neck simultaneously, and apply hand cream or lotion and sunscreen meticulously to prevent photoaging when going out. 

Dr. Joo advised, "Basically, you need to apply a lot of oily ingredients such as lotion or oily cream. When you apply it, the moisture does not evaporate; if it does not evaporate, it looks moist even though it is temporary. Applying a lot of moisturizers and wearing plastic gloves before bed would be helpful for your hands. Like storing watermelon in plastic wrap can keep the moisture, applying many moisturizers and wearing plastic gloves before bed helps the skin hydrated, just as the moisture does not escape. Doing this every morning and night may satisfy you more than various clinical treatments."

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